Do the Poly-Series games or Tangram crash on start on your Mac? Here is a possible solution for the problem. Just launch Poly-Update and select the game to fix the bug.
Poly-Updator fixes a bug that caused incompatibilities with some of INITs and CDEVs. Poly-Updator also can fix the bug of earlier games written by S. T. Han. Following is a list of games that can be fixed.
Polytris 1.0-1.03
Poly-RC 1.0-1.01
PolyMine 1.0-1.04
Poly-Tile 1.0-1.01
Poly-Peg 1.0-1.02
Poly-Dol 1.0
Tangram 3.08-3.13
Pythagoras 1.0
5Stix 1.32
Note that this updator will only fix the specific bug. It will not update the application to the latest version.
Above games were tested under System 6 and 7, with 32 bit on and off, from MacPlus to PowerPC Mac. You should not have problem running on any Mac.
If you still have problem with the games, please contact the author with full description of your system including the list of INITs and CDEVs.
S. T. Han
445 Waupelani Dr. D-9
State College, PA 16801, U. S. A.
The author thanks to all who sent shareware fee, bug report, book and etc.